
Ensuring balance in pension spending and decent allowances

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Team Italia News

The current state of the Italian pension system

On one hand, it is necessary to maintain a balance in public spending for pensions, and on the other, it is increasingly essential to intervene so that those who stop working today receive a decent pension that ensures the sustainability of their future. The data released today by Inps, which shows a decline in early retirement requests, clearly demonstrates that the Italian pension system is not functioning as it should. Those who wish to retire early, perhaps worn out by more than 40 years of activity, do not do so because they realize that the reduction in pension would be too high, and the monthly amount would not be able to guarantee a dignified life. At the same time, fewer requests for early retirement represent an obstacle for entrepreneurs who would like to speed up generational turnover by offering jobs to younger people.

Economic and demographic impact on pensions

According to Unimpresa’s Research Center, Italy is among the countries with the highest pension expenditure in relation to GDP, with an incidence of about 15% of the gross domestic product. This economic burden is partly due to the aging population, with a growing percentage of citizens over 65 compared to the active population. This demographic imbalance places significant pressure on the pension system and requires continuous structural interventions to ensure long-term sustainability. The fertility rate in Italy is among the lowest in Europe, standing at around 1.3 children per woman. This contributes to the aging population and the decrease in the young workforce available. Moreover, the youth employment rate (15-24 years) is particularly low, around 28%, well below the European average of 34%. These demographic and occupational indicators clearly show the need for policies that encourage young people to enter the labor market and the possibility of a dignified retirement for the elderly.

Consequences of a lack of generational renewal

The decrease in early retirement requests, although it may seem like an immediate saving for the state, actually hides deeper problems. People forced to stay in the labor market longer than desired may experience a drop in productivity and an increase in healthcare costs related to aging. Moreover, the inability to renew the workforce hinders innovation and the competitiveness of Italian companies. Experts at the Unimpresa Research Center observe that addressing the pension issue in Italy requires an integrated approach that balances economic needs with citizens’ well-being. Only through structural reforms and a long-term vision will it be possible to ensure a sustainable future for both the pension system and the labor market.

Team Italia News
Published by
Team Italia News

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