Home Politics 1,600 more labor inspectors: the Meloni government intensifies workplace safety

1,600 more labor inspectors: the Meloni government intensifies workplace safety

Prime Minister Meloni announces a strengthening of workplace safety controls

Giorgia Meloni fonte Governo.it

Workplace safety at the center of the government agenda

Behind the cold numbers and statistics, there are faces, stories, and families. It is our duty to think of them when making choices and decisions. With these words, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni emphasized the importance of workplace safety during her speech at the Chamber ceremony dedicated to the victims of workplace accidents.

A challenge that involves everyone

Workplace safety is one of the government’s priorities, but it is a challenge that involves everyone. This is the clear and strong message that the Prime Minister wanted to convey. To tackle this challenge, Meloni highlighted the need to increase controls and toughen penalties for those who do not comply with the regulations.


Hiring 1,600 new labor inspectors

To achieve these objectives, the government has arranged the hiring of 1,600 more labor inspectors. The goal is ambitious: to double inspections in 2024. This increase in inspection personnel is a significant step towards improving safety conditions in workplaces, demonstrating the government’s commitment to protecting workers and their families.



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