Home Italy Fire at a factory in Fiscaglia: five injured

Fire at a factory in Fiscaglia: five injured

An explosion caused a fire in a plastic materials factory, producing a black smoke column and injuring five people.

vigili del fuoco

Explosion and fire in the plastic materials factory

An explosion triggered a fire in a plastic materials factory in Fiscaglia, in the Ferrara area. The incident caused significant damage and left five people injured. Two of them are in serious condition, while the other three sustained minor injuries.

Firefighters in action

The blaze released a high column of black smoke visible from miles away. Firefighters quickly intervened and are working tirelessly to extinguish the flames and secure the area.


Notice to citizens

The mayor of Ostellato, the neighboring town to Fiscaglia, issued a notice advising citizens to stay indoors and keep their windows closed to avoid inhaling toxic fumes.



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