Home Italy Tragic femicide in Maschito: an 81-year-old man kills his wife by suffocation

Tragic femicide in Maschito: an 81-year-old man kills his wife by suffocation

A new case of domestic violence shocks the Potentino


The dynamics of the crime

A new tragic case of femicide occurred in Maschito, Potenza, where an 81-year-old man killed his 73-year-old wife by suffocation. The drama unfolded at the height of a violent domestic dispute. According to initial information, the woman was strangled by her husband, but only an autopsy will be able to confirm the exact cause of death.

The intervention of the Carabinieri

Investigations began immediately, and the Carabinieri are working to clarify the details of this tragic event. During the night, the elderly man was questioned by investigators to try to reconstruct the precise dynamics of the facts. Relatives and friends of the couple were also interviewed in an attempt to gather more information that could help understand what led to this tragic end.


A shocked community

The entire community of Maschito is in shock over the incident. Episodes of such violence always leave a deep mark in small communities, where everyone knows each other and lives together daily. The townspeople express dismay and sadness over the loss and the brutality of the act.

Femicide: a phenomenon to be countered

This latest case of femicide underscores the urgency of addressing and combating gender-based violence. It is essential to promote a culture of respect and non-violence, as well as to provide support and protection to victims. Institutions and civil society must collaborate to prevent these tragedies and offer concrete solutions to those in dangerous situations.

In conclusion, the terrible episode in Maschito draws attention to the need for constant commitment to fight domestic violence and protect the most vulnerable.



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