Home Entertainment Miss Sorriso Puglia will be elected on Friday

Miss Sorriso Puglia will be elected on Friday

Altamura to host the first regional final of Miss Italia 2024


Altamura – On Friday, July 19, at 8:30 PM, the city of Altamura will host the first regional final of Miss Italia 2024. In piazza don Tonino Bello, Miss Sorriso Puglia will be elected during an event organized by Carmen Martorana Eventi, the interregional exclusive organizer of Miss Italia Puglia and Basilicata, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Altamura.

The choice of Altamura as the venue

Altamura, known for its DOP bread, was chosen as the location for this important event also to celebrate Katrin Quaratino, the region’s most beautiful smile in 2023 and Miss Puglia of the same year. This choice highlights the cultural and historical significance of the federician city.


The evening’s program

The evening will be hosted by Christian Binetti, a well-known presenter of the Miss Italia Puglia and Basilicata TV program on Antennasud. The special guest of the event will be Tommy Terrafino, comedian from Rai 2’s “Made in Sud,” who will entertain the audience with his hilarious performances.

A touch of beauty

Enhancing the contestants’ beauty will be the Framesi salons, an Italian multinational leader in the professional hairbeauty sector. Thanks to their contribution, the beauty of the participants will be uniquely highlighted.

Special thanks

Special thanks to LILT Lega Italiana Lotta ai Tumori sez Bat, Corgom retreading & recycling, Domenico Buono Man Style Barletta, and Concessionaria Car For You Altamura for their support.



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