Home Foreign Affairs Pope Francis: Authority is Service or it is Dictatorship

Pope Francis: Authority is Service or it is Dictatorship

The Pope emphasizes the role of authority as service during the Angelus for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

Pope Francis
Pope Francis

The importance of service in authority

During the Angelus on the occasion of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Pope Francis reminded us of the meaning of the “keys of Peter.” The Pope explained that these keys represent the ministry of authority entrusted by Jesus to Peter, which must serve the entire Church. “Authority is service, and authority that is not service is dictatorship,” declared the Holy Father, highlighting the fundamental nature of service in the exercise of authority.

The mission of Peter

The Pope emphasized that the mission given to Peter is not to close the doors of the Church but to help everyone find the way to enter. This task involves an openness to others and a commitment to facilitating access to faith and the Christian community. Pope Francis urged the faithful to follow Peter’s example in welcoming and serving others.


Prayer for prisoners of war

At the end of the Angelus, Pope Francis offered a special prayer for the prisoners of war in Ukraine. The Pontiff expressed his hope that these prisoners would soon return home, inviting the entire community to join in prayer for their release and for the end of the conflict.

Pope Francis’ words during the Angelus are a powerful reminder of the true nature of authority as service. His message of welcome and prayer for prisoners of war underscores the importance of solidarity and compassion in Christian life.



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