Home Fashion Unimpresa: The green revolution threatens made in Italy: a gift to copycats

Unimpresa: The green revolution threatens made in Italy: a gift to copycats

New regulations and bureaucracy are stifling Italy’s fashion industry, benefiting foreign competitors.

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The green revolution: opportunity or threat?

The shift towards sustainable production, although necessary, is creating new challenges for Italy’s fashion industry. Small Italian businesses are facing unsustainable costs to comply with increasingly strict regulations. According to Unimpresa, while large multinational corporations benefit from these policies, small artisanal companies are being crushed, with the risk that their products will be mass-copied by countries like China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Bureaucracy: a brake on Italian creativity

In addition to sustainability challenges, Italy’s fashion sector is also grappling with increasing bureaucratization. New regulations and systematic controls threaten to stifle the creativity and innovation that have always been the hallmark of made in Italy. Margherita de Cles, president of Unimpresa Moda, emphasized that Italian artisans are forced to spend time and energy complying with often ineffective regulations, at the expense of their productive capabilities.


A call to action: simplify to compete

Unimpresa calls for a deep reflection on the direction the industry is taking. It is necessary to lighten the bureaucratic burden to allow Italian companies to focus on what they do best: creating and innovating. Only by doing so can the true made in Italy be protected and promoted, making it globally competitive.



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